System Requirement

  • Before you install VDO Panel, make certain that your system meets all of our minimum requirements for new installations.

    Software Requirements

    Operating System

    • CentOS 7
    • CentOS 8 Stream
    • CentOS 9 Stream
    • Rocky Linux 8
    • Rocky Linux 9
    • AlmaLinux 8
    • AlmaLinux 9
    • Ubuntu 20
    • Ubuntu 22
    • Ubuntu 24
    • Debian 11
    • cPanel Servers

    Disk and Memory

    • VDOPanel software needs 3 GB disk storage and 1GB memory as a minimum

    Network and Firewall for ports

    Recommend all ports open, so if ports are blocked, you need to open these ports :

    • [ 80 - 443 - 21 ]
    • range ports : [ 999 to 5000 ]

    Hardware Requirements

    • 1 - 5 TV Stations - 300 Connections
    • CPU: 2 Core
    • RAM: 2GB
    • Disk: as you need for your video files, SSD is recommended.
    • Network Connection: 500 Mbps


    • 5 - 30 TV Stations - 1000 Connections
    • CPU: 8 Core
    • RAM: 16GB
    • Disk: as you need for your video files, SSD is recommended.
    • Network Connection: 1000 Mbps


    • 30 - 50 TV Stations - 3500 Connections
    • CPU: 12 Core
    • RAM: 24GB
    • Disk: as you need for your video files, SSD is recommended.
    • Network Connection: 10000 Mbps
