Update Timeline
We offer helpful and advanced features for broadcasters and Internet TV operators. You can manage your broadcasts efficiently while ensuring productivity with the help of VDO Panel.
August 14, 2024
Version 1.5.8
✅ "Download by Cookies" option for YouTube downloader and re-stream features.
For a guide, follow the video tutorial: https://youtu.be/WWk-sq9Ag7M.
✅ The Geo database on the local server has been updated.
✅ Several other functions have seen notable enhancements.
✅ Several other bugs have been addressed and fixed.
July 18, 2024
Version 1.5.7
- Support for Ubuntu 24 OS
- The Geo database on the local server has been updated.
- Vdopanel Laravel packages have been updated to the latest versions.
- Several other functions have seen notable enhancements.
- File manager style color bug.
- YouTube download issue.
- Long playlist time issue for durations over 24 hours.
- Several other bugs have been addressed and fixed.
June 04, 2024
Version 1.5.6
✅ Software style colors to admin settings.
✅ The Geo database on the local server.
✅ Vdopanel Laravel packages to the latest versions.
✅ Backup functions.
✅ Notable enhancements to several other functions.
✅ Issue with test remote command in some cases.
✅ Error with playlist names containing a comma (,) in the status header.
✅ UTF-8 encoding bug.
✅ API issue for admin.
✅ Error on the restore backup page.
✅ Add video to playlist via drag-and-drop option.
✅ Google VAST issue.
✅ Several other bugs.
January 24, 2024
Version 1.5.5
✅ Updated: The Geo database on the local server has been updated.
✅ Updated: Vdopanel Laravel packages have been updated to the latest versions.
✅ Improvements: Updated the system info page with new information and improvements.
✅ Improvements: Several other functions have seen notable enhancements.
✅ Fixed: Resolved the Admin login by token bug.
✅ Fixed: Several other bugs have been addressed and fixed.
October 31, 2023
Version 1.5.4
✅ The Geo database on the local server has been updated.
✅ VDOPanel Laravel packages have been updated to the latest versions.
✅ Mail function for sending templates.
✅ Increased video name and path length in the database column.
✅ Several other functions have seen notable enhancements.
✅ Single or Multiple and Adaptive Bitrate option input bug in the reseller edit page.
✅ Critical issue with nginx on Ubuntu 22.
✅ Drag and drop issue for playlist.
✅ File manager reorder by date bug.
✅ File manager upload .wmv type bug.
✅ Several other bugs have been addressed and fixed.
October 01, 2023
Version 1.5.3
✅ Added: Apply the reorder to VOD playlist
✅ Updated: Upgrade vdopanel framework to latest version and PHP 8.1, So important for security reasons.
✅ Updated: The Geo database on the local server has been updated.
✅ Updated: Vdopanel Laravel packages have been updated to the latest versions.
✅ Improvements: Transfer tool functions
✅ Improvements: Several other functions have seen notable enhancements.
✅ Fixed: Fix youtube downloader issue with Centos7 and Centos8 OS
✅ Fixed: Fix bug in loadbalancer config
✅ Fixed: Fix bug with proxy rebuild when change branding domain
✅ Fixed: Fix bug with Administrator portal
✅ Fixed: Several other bugs have been addressed and fixed.
July 16, 2023
Version 1.5.2
✅ Added: A new feature has been introduced for the transfer tool which triggers an alert for existing accounts on the current server, offering an option for forced overwrite if selected.
✅ Added: New cPanel operating systems have been added to the support list, including cPanel with Almalinux 9, RockyLinux 9, and Ubuntu 20.
✅ Added: Reseller API and individual API keys for resellers have been introduced.
✅ Updated: The Geo database on the local server has been updated.
✅ Updated: Vdopanel Laravel packages have been updated to the latest versions.
✅ Improvements: The SSL function for setting and renewing has been significantly improved.
✅ Improvements: YouTube functions have been refined for optimal performance.
✅ Improvements: Several other functions have seen notable enhancements.
✅ Fixed: A directory feature error, causing a 500 issue, has been resolved.
✅ Fixed: A bug affecting time duration for the default playlist has been rectified.
✅ Fixed: An error in the user clock has been corrected.
✅ Fixed: Several other bugs have been addressed and fixed.
May 30, 2023
Version 1.5.1
✅ Updated: Geo database has been updated on the local server.
✅ Updated: vdopanel Laravel packages have been updated to the latest versions.
✅ Improvement: Several functions have been improved.
✅ Fixed: A bug in the schedule system has been fixed.
✅ Fixed: The generate rtmp port function has been fixed for the first-time use.
✅ Fixed: Several other bugs have been fixed.
May 24, 2023
Version 1.5.0
✅ Added: New option for IP Blocking to block or allow IP addresses or address masks.
✅ Added: Support for short YouTube domain URL (youtu.be) in re-stream and downloads.
✅ Added: Telegram re-stream added to the social stream feature.
✅ Added: Social icons added to create, edit, and view forms for broadcasters and resellers.
✅ Added: Transmission Monitor tab under Statistics to monitor stream connection details to your channel.
✅ Updated: Updated the Geo database on the local server.
✅ Updated: Updated vdopanel Laravel packages to the latest versions.
✅ Updated: Updated Stunnel service to the latest stable version.
✅ Changed: Reordered tabs under utilities (IP block and domain lock).
✅ Changed: Geo Settings renamed to Geo Blocking and IP Lock renamed to IP Blocking.
✅ Improvement: Updated YouTube functions for further improvement.
✅ Improvement: Several functions have been improved.
✅ Fixed: Fixed a bug in the schedule system.
✅ Fixed: Several other bugs have been fixed.
April 17, 2023
Version 1.4.9
✅ Added: Changed the audio player and added a new simple audio player as a widget.
✅ Added: Added a new option for the watermark logo to control image opacity and transparency. Also, the design and UI have been improved.
✅ Added: Added scrolling text with multiple options to the webtv stream.
✅ Added: Added a new option for geoblock to allow selected countries and block others. Also, added a switch button for enable and disable.
✅ Added: Added new libraries for VDO Panel FFMPEG RPM package for CentOS 7.
✅ Updated: Updated the Geo database on the local server.
✅ Updated: Updated VDO Panel Laravel packages to the latest versions.
✅ Changed: Changed VDO Panel local API Auth from port 80 to 1050 on cPanel servers to solve some conflicts.
✅ Improvement: Several functions have been improved.
✅ Fixed: Fixed the user path in the multi-bitrate bug with cPanel servers.
✅ Fixed: Fixed the issue with the watermark logo not appearing with YouTube re-stream single video.
✅ Fixed: Fixed the cPanel full status page issue; it was not loaded because of some conflicts.
✅ Fixed: Fixed the VAST (Google Ads) input block issue caused by AdGuard AdBlocker.
✅ Fixed: Several other bugs have been fixed.
March 09, 2023
Version 1.4.8
➕ Added: VAST (Google Ads video)
➕ Added: Download media files directly from outgoing URLs to file manager
➕ Added: New libraries for VDOPanel FFMPEG RPM package for CentOS 7
⬆️ Updated: Local server's Geo database has been updated
⬆️ Updated: VDOPanel Laravel packages have been updated to the latest versions
🔧 Improvement: Enhanced VDOPanel players
🔧 Improvement: Enhanced VDOPanel directory
🔧 Improvement: Improved security for URL in VOD feature
🔧 Improvement: Faster file manager
🔧 Improvement: Reduced server load on VDOPanel
🔧 Improvement: Improved SMTP function
🔧 Improvement: Several other functions have been improved
✨ Fixed: Fixed issue with Youtube downloads
✨ Fixed: Fixed bug with renaming files in file manager
✨ Fixed: Fixed bug with widget in hybrid stream with multi-bitrate
✨ Fixed: Several other bugs have been fixed.
February 12, 2023
Version 1.4.7
✅ Added: Player Poster option under Utilities tab for poster background image into VDOPanel player when not stream available.
✅ Added: Add playlist live now status in the Playlist Scheduler page.
✅ Updated: Updated Geo database on the local server.
✅ Updated: Update VDOPanel Laravel packages to the latest versions.
✅ Improvement: Improve streaming for IPTV users.
✅ Improvement: Several functions have been improved.
✅ Fixed: Fix player centralize and size issue.
✅ Fixed: Schedule playlist issue.
✅ Fixed: Sound volume button issue with VDOPanel player.
✅ Fixed: Hybrid switch issue.
✅ Fixed: Chat issue with iPhone devices and mobile in general.
✅ Fixed: Several other bugs have been fixed.
February 01, 2023
Version 1.4.6
✅ Updated: Updated Geo database on the local server
✅ Updated: Update VDOPanel Laravel packages to the latest versions
✅ Improvement: WebTV stream improved more to not drop when switching to another scheduled playlist
✅ Improvement: Several functions have been improved
✅ Fixed: Error 500 appears in some of the cases in the admin and broadcaster dashboard URL
✅ Fixed: Fix single or multiple bitrate input auto-select for admin and reseller when editing broadcaster
✅ Fixed: The critical issue for VDOPanel player
✅ Fixed: Other several bugs have been fixed
January 23, 2023
Version 1.4.5
✅ Added : Support CentOS Stream 9, AlmaLinux 9, and RockyLinux 9
✅ Added : Re-stream a direct youtube single video in the schedule
✅ Added : Chromecast feature and button added to all VDOPanel players to connect with smart TV
✅ Added : Proxy feature on port 80 and 443 for single and multiple bitrate stream URLs with enable or disable from Quick Links page
✅ Added : Shopping, Animation, and Media categories added to VDOPanel directory form
✅ Added : New libraries for VDOPanel FFMPEG RPM package for CentOS 7
✅ Updated : Updated Geo database on the local server
✅ Updated : Update VDOPanel Laravel packages to the latest versions
✅ Improvement : More optimization for the core functions to reduce load more
✅ Improvement : Calculation in country list viewers has been improved
✅ Improvement : Youtube downloader functions have been improved
✅ Improvement : The schedule playlist improved more
✅ Improvement : Optimized the header info to show current video, playlist, and status and more accurate
✅ Improvement : The upgrade function has been improved more to solve cache issues in some cases and missing process
✅ Improvement : Several functions have been improved
✅ Fixed : Fix remote connect issue on Ubuntu and Debian
✅ Fixed : Other several bugs has been fixed
December 20, 2022
Version 1.4.4
✅ Added: Support Re-stream RTSP URLs
✅ Added: Chat added to player widget and added chat box alone as a widget
✅ Updated: Updated Geo database on the local server
✅ Updated: Update VDOPanel Laravel packages to the latest versions
✅ Improvement: Playlist pagination improved more to show all or some as count on the page
✅ Improvement: VOD player page has been improved to load faster
✅ Improvement: VDOPanel main player pages have been improved more with chat
✅ Improvement: Several functions have been improved
✅ Changed: Widgets page redesigned for better preview
✅ Fixed: VOD playlist player default mute to set as with player settings
✅ Fixed: Bug in the file manager in adding subfolders to the playlist
✅ Fixed: Create ssh key issue for load balancer slave servers in setup
✅ Fixed: Other several bugs have been fixed
December 01, 2022
Version 1.4.3
Added: Support Ubuntu 20, Ubuntu 22, and Debian 11
Added: Playlist for embed videos (VOD)
Added: Stunnel fix function under VDO Panel commands (check all commands by vdopanel --help by ssh)
Added: Viewers count only in widgets
Added: Multi-pages with data table in Playlist Scheduler page
Updated: Updated Geo database on the local server
Updated: Update VDO Panel laravel packages to the latest versions
Improvement: Hide .ftpquota file and any dotfiles especially on Cpanel servers in the VDO Panel file manager
Improvement: Optimized cron job functions now will reduce load average
Improvement: Optimized adding videos from the file manager to the playlist and main file manager
Improvement: Several functions have been improved
Fixed: Fix stunnel service configuration and Facebook relay
Fixed: Hybrid stream issue after changing RTMP port manually by admin
Fixed: Fix bug in default playlist duration
Fixed: Fix the logout issue when adding a lot of videos to playlist at one time
Fixed: Other several bugs have been fixed
October 17, 2022
Version 1.4.1
Today, We’re happy to announce the release of VDO Panel (Video Streaming Control Panel): Version 1.4.1 Released.
Major Update Included in Version 1.4.1
✅ Updated: Updated Geo database on the local server
✅ Updated: Update VDO Panel Laravel packages to the latest versions
✅ Improvement : SSL function for adding domains
✅ Improvement: Backup and Transfer Tool functions and add remote connection by ssh key
✅ Improvement: Bandwidth suspend check functions
✅ Improvement: Password inputs validations in GUI have been improved
✅ Improvement: SMTP address input has been removed and linked with the SMTP username on the SMTP page
✅ Improvement: Other several functions have been improved
✅ Fixed: Bugs in schedules functions
✅ Fixed: Remote backup issue
✅ Fixed: Country list for admin dashboard issue, results were wrong
✅ Fixed: Restore remote backup button title was the wrong title
✅ Fixed: Several bugs with schedule functions have been fixed
✅ Fixed: Other several bugs have been fixed
September 07, 2022
Version 1.4.0
✅ Added: New language Dutch has been added
✅ Added: Enable and Disable in SMTP feature and add non-encryption option
✅ Added: Multi-select files in playlist management
✅ Added: YouTube downloader now support download playlists in right way and improves functions
✅ Added: More info in the System Info page
✅ Updated: Updated Geo database on the local server
✅ Updated: Update VDOPanel Laravel packages to the latest versions
✅ Updated: Self-signed crt for IP
✅ Improvement : Restart and stop channels functions have been improved
✅ Improvement: Playlist Scheduler now accepts the start next playlist in the same end date for the previous
✅ Improvement: The upgrade function has been improved and solved (exists update process running now) issue
✅ Improvement: Convert Enable TLS, Enable SSL and Non-encryption to radio input to select one only from them
✅ Improvement: Other several functions have been improved
✅ Fixed: The issue of not showing VDOPanel version has been fixed in the admin portal
✅ Fixed: Multi-bitrate issue with live stream
✅ Fixed: Real-time chart appears now same time zone not different
✅ Fixed: Hybrid player with multi-bitrate enabled will work but with single bitrate
✅ Fixed: Random error 500 appears when creating new broadcaster
✅ Fixed: VDOPanel player not working with some of the google chrome browsers
✅ Fixed: Other several bugs have been fixed
May 12, 2022
Version 1.3.9
✅ Added : Set keyframe rate to the stream for improvement stream work
✅ Added : Fix quota script for all users auto and as manual VDO Panel command
✅ Updated : Updated Geodatabase on the local server
✅ Updated : Update PHPMyAdmin to the latest version when installed and improvement function
✅ Updated : Update VDO Panel Laravel packages to the latest versions
✅ Improvement : Optimize most of the VDO Panel functions to reduce server load to be more stable
✅ Improvement : Improve bandwidth functions
✅ Improvement : Improve change port functions
✅ Improvement : Improve VDO Panel SSL functions
✅ Improvement : Improve VDO Panel backend functions
✅ Improvement : Exclude tmp folder from the backup in the update process
✅ Fixed : Bug for database backup in the update process
✅ Fixed : Social media relay errors like Facebook and Youtube with key frame rate too low and improved
✅ Fixed : Fix high load issue when changing user type from WebTV or hybrid to Livestream only who used WebTV running process
April 09, 2022
Version 1.3.8
✅ Updated: Updated Geodatabase on local server
✅ Improvement: Video duration function
✅ Fixed: Error 500 in Playlist Scheduler page when use restream in Scheduler
April 07, 2022
Version 1.3.7
✅ Added : VDOPanel now supports more operating systems Rocky Linux 8 and AlmaLinux 8
✅ Added: Mute note under Player Autoplay page
✅ Added: The viewers counter inside all player's pages
✅ Added: Make the widget option to enable viewers counter to effect for player pages also
✅ Added: Disable and enable option for Picture in Picture mode
✅ Added: Viewers count now became inside in all vdopanel players
✅ Updated: Updated Geodatabase on local server
✅ Updated: Update vdopanel laravel packages to latest versions
✅ Updated: System Info page show now OS name, server root storage details and improved design more
✅ Improvement: Domain lock feature became more effect for all browsers and mobiles
✅ Improvement: Submit buttons became inactive after one click for more stable work
✅ Improvement: Playlists Management and Playlist Scheduler page became more faster in browsing
✅ Improvement: Reorder File Manager and Playlists Management buttons for better UI
✅ Changed: Removed exports option line from Manage Ports page
✅ Changed: Player Autoplay changed to Player settings and added more options
✅ Fixed: Bug in Backup and transfer tool
✅ Fixed: Reorder issue when adding new Playlist Scheduler
✅ Fixed: Bug in daily and oneshot playlist scheduler
March 18, 2022
Version 1.3.6
✅ Added : New language Portuguese has been added
✅ Added : Manage Ports page added under Broadcasters tab for admin portal to change HTTP or RTMP manually
✅ Added : Nobackup option for update command from ssh and change the copy functions to rsync
✅ Added : Map for vdopanel command options for vdopanel --help and improve it
✅ Added : More options for vdopanel command for show version and help details
✅ Added : Viewers count in widget auto update and cron job every 20 second
✅ Added : Viewers count in widget optional under Widgets page for on or off, default is on
✅ Added : Viewers count added to all live video and audio player pages
✅ Added : Revert back to main provider domain button under branding feature for broadcasters and reseller portal
✅ Added : FTP change password button under filemanager and Quick Links pages
✅ Added : FTP password now support special characters
✅ Updated : Updated Geo database on local server
✅ Updated : Update vdopanel laravel packages to latest versions
✅ Improvement : Remote connection functions
✅ Improvement : Backup and transfer tool logs
✅ Improvement : Transfer tool work and fix bugs
✅ Improvement : Restream from youtube live function
✅ Improvement : Buttons in Filemanager and Quick Links page and add more buttons for copy to clipboard
✅ Improvement : All profile setting pages now password input will not auto fill by browser cookies
✅ Changed : Move FTP setting for change password input from profile page to under Filemanager and Quick Links pages
✅ Fixed : CentOS 8 repo issue after support ended
✅ Fixed : Playlist ajax drag and drop issue
✅ Fixed : Widgets url to take the domain url from branding instead of the browsing url
✅ Fixed : Updated some of language vars in reseller functions
✅ Fixed : Branding error 500 issue with broadcaster if type is live streaming only
✅ Fixed : Counter for Countries list online now
✅ Fixed : Java script url path in widget ifream page
✅ Fixed : Bug in range of HTTP and RTMP ports for generate new ports
January 29, 2022
Version 1.3.5
✅ Fixed : Bug for Nginx-RTMP module for buffering streaming issue
✅ Fixed : Bug in playlist management when updating playlist or removing videos from it will not restart streaming if not same playlist play now
✅ Fixed : Playlist Scheduler bug for after removing video files in case all playlists scheduler deleted itself
✅ Fixed : Login password characters bug
January 26, 2022
Version 1.3.4
✅ Added : VOD to load-balancing
✅ Added : API logs for admin portal under Logs tab
✅ Added : More limit for resellers for Broadcaster Type (Live stream only , webtv only or hybrid) and bitrate limit for GUI and API
✔️ Updated : Updated Geo database on local server
✔️ Updated : Updated Nginx-RTMP for improvement and fix bugs
✔️ Updated : Updated FFMPEG to the latest stable version on Centos7
💖 Improvement : Improve reseller-login by API and compatible with latest WHMCS module
💖 Improvement : Add validation for custom stream in social media relay must start with RTMP:// in Custom RTMP URL input
💖 Improvement : Improve remote connection functions
💖 Improvement : Improve vdopanel bandwidth functions
🖊️ Changed : Make reseller minimum password 10 characters instead of 12 in API to compatible with WHMCS module inputs
🛠 Fixed : Upload limit from file manager changed to maximum instead of 1 GB
🛠 Fixed : Admin login by WHMCS module for error 500 in some cases
🛠 Fixed : File manager error 500 issue if file name contains encode and replace the encode auto with a dash
🛠 Fixed : MySQL repo issue with Centos7
🛠 Fixed : Broadcaster branding error 500 when adding his own domain
January 03, 2022
Version 1.3.3
✅ Added : Loadbalancing now support multi bitrate feature
✅ Added : VOD [ Video on Demand ] tab has been added to broadcasters portal
✅ Added : More control in branding watermark logo on stream for horizontal and vertical control
✅ Added : Direct url for fullscreen embed player in embed page
✅ Added : Autoplay option for video players (in player pages, widgets and embed player)
✅ Added : In embedded video player add fast and slow option with forward and back 5 seconds buttons
✅ Added : Convert Tool under WebTV tab to convert video files to mp4 type compatible with vdopanel
✅ Added : More video extensions type has been added to File Manager dropzone uploader
✅ Added : New button convert to mp4 has been added to File Manager page
✔️ Updated : Geo database on local server
✔️ Updated : WHMCS Module Updated
💖 Improvement : Check space usage for broadcaster before download from youtube, record live, record restream and file manager
💖 Improvement : Loadbalancing installations and other functions
💖 Improvement : Embed player to protect right click for save as the videos
💖 Improvement : File manager uploading progress bar and add more info for available free space
🖊️ Changed : Embed URL has been changed
🖊️ Changed : Sorting login logs by date instead of IP
🛠 Fixed : Custom stream validation to not use rtmps urls
🛠 Fixed : Bug in server nodes feature when add new server and add timeout settings
🛠 Fixed : Bg in restore backup function
🛠 Fixed : Add broadcaster permissions to the embed page
🛠 Fixed : Bug in restream recorder feature
🛠 Fixed : NGINIX memory leak causing stop nginx service when appear active status
🛠 Fixed : Suspend function with multi stream accounts type
November 27, 2021
Version 1.3.2
✅ Added : Link server nodes to the main server to control with all broadcasters in one server
✅ Added : Login logs for admin, broadcaster, reseller, and administrator portal
✅ Added : Video On Demand for embed your video file in a web sites
✅ Added : Add Show Video in preview page with cPanel servers
✅ Added : Watermark stream logo and VDO Panel directory options have been added to API
✔️ Update Geodatabase on the local server
✔️ Update stunnel to latest stable version 5.60 for improvement and fix bug
💖 Improvement: Set max 30 letters for Current Playlist value in broadcaster portal header
💖 Improvement: Change UI for shortcut Playlists Management style in File Manager page for more improvement
💖 Improvement: Improve get main server IP function
🖊️ Changed: Removed current login security for log out if IP changed to all logins type admin, resellers, supervisor, and broadcaster and improved other methods for security
🛠 Fixed: Fix bug in VDOPanel statistics
🛠 Fixed: Fix permissions in Social Stream pages and options
🛠 Fixed: Fix scroll bar issue with widgets code
November 01, 2021
Version 1.3.1
✅ Added: Add youtube downloader feature to download videos to your filemanager on channels
✅ Added: Add youtube feature to restream live from youtube on your channel directly
✅ Added: WebTV Restream recording feature has been added under WebTV Management tab
✅ Added: Drag and drop from file manager to playlist
✅ Added: FTP info has been added and short cut from playlist management to file manager page
✅ Added: Show duration time for videos for playlist and media files in Playlists Management and Playlist Scheduler and View List pages
✔️ Updated: Update Geodatabase on Local server
✔️ Updated: Update goaccess to latest version 1.5.2 for improvement and fix several bugs
✔️ Updated: Update Social Stream page with notes for how to use and active the service
💖 Improvement: Improve statistics with big files to work in cron job 2 time during the day and improve statistics loading
💖 Improvement: Change widget to be ifream and few code and one line to be more easy for clients and works without problem or conflict
🖊️ Changed: Changed admin login url to /portal
🖊️ Changed: Added colors for each login page [ admin - reseller - administrators - broadcaster ] for distinguish
🖊️ Changed: Set default page for main url instead of admin login form
🖊️ Changed: Default playlist in Scheduler not be longer set auto after delete it or delete any nonstop playlist scheduler from Playlist Scheduler page
🛠 Fixed: Fix ffmpeg issue in Centos8 for restreaming from URL feature
🛠 Fixed: Fix broadcaster portal logo in file manager page if was under reseller will appear reseller logo
🛠 Fixed: Fix several bugs in reset passwords functions
🛠 Fixed: On Centos7 removed static ffmpeg and removed from yum and install ffmpeg 4.2.4 by compile source
September 23, 2021
Version 1.3.0
✅ Added: Multiple and Adaptive Bitrate for WebTV and Live from encoders as optional for admin and resellers
✅ Added: Upgrade FFMPEG to version 4.4 to improve the streaming process and fix the issue with Centos7
✅ Added: VDOPanel directory feature became optional while adding resellers
✔️ Updated: Update Geodatabase on Local server
✔️ Updated: Update BillingLimits, Broadcaster Profile, and Reseller Profile pages
✔️ Updated: VDOPanel API updated with new features options
✔️ Updated: A lot of old features has been updated and improvement
💖 Improvement: Improve clear logs function to clear and reset domains-errors.log file when it becomes large
💖 Improvement: Improve email templates and variables and easy new macros
💖 Improvement: Improve load-balancer when removing the server from balance
🛠 Fixed: Fix error in restore backup feature and improve other backup processes
🛠 Fixed: Fix permissions for some of WebTV pages
🛠 Fixed: Fix main NGINIX config file with load-balancer vhosts with the old installation
🛠 Fixed: Fix email notification issue for send 6 times with the same alert
September 16, 2021
Version 1.2.8
✅ Fixed : Critical Security Issue
August 17, 2021
Version 1.2.7
✅ Added: Load Balance for VDO Panel geo balance and load balance by weights
✅ Added: New email templates builder added to admin for advanced options
✅ Added: Tag system
✅ Added: Get support tab has been added in admin portal for VDO Panel important URLs and info
✔️ Updated: Update Geodatabase on local Server
✔️ Updated: Update License configuration page with additional info and improve it
✔️ Updated: Update Check Update page to add Update Timeline Link for VDO Panel in admin portal
💖 Improvement: Improve some of the main system work centos7 and centos8
💖 Improvement: Improve some of the vars in Romanian and French language file
🖊️ Changed: Reseller API request changed to send name instead of id
🖊️ Changed: Broadcaster clock on the top right changed to show time zone time not user pc clock time
🖊️ Changed: Supervisors has been changed to Administrators in the admin portal
🛠 Fixed: Fix bitrate value limit issue when creating an account in UI with 288kps
🛠 Fixed: Fix Hybrid player pages issue with CORS error
🛠 Fixed: Fix restore login passwords from email expired or invalid URL issue
🛠 Fixed: Watermark logo added missing files
🛠 Fixed: Fix question mark issue in video files name was cause errors
July 08, 2021
Version 1.2.6
✅ Added: Direct m3u8 and RTMP link for hybrid streaming
✅ Added: IP locked to lock your stream to specific IPs
✅ Added: Clear chat buttons on chat option page
✅ Added: More control for watermark logo on WebTV streaming for change position and size
✅ Added: Stop WebTV Scheduler button added to Playlist Scheduler to stop or start your WebTV stream
✅ Added: In Stop Broadcasting page added note for who services will stop
✅ Added: the Czech language has been added and updates other languages file with new vars
✅ Added: Trial license for 7 days has been added for any new instalation auto
✔️ Updated: Upgrade goaccess for statistics to latest version and improve GeoIP location database
✔️ Updated: Update Geodatabase on local server
💖 Improvement: Improve license check and more mirrors
💖 Improvement: Viewers limit restriction has been improved
🖊️ Changed : In WebTV department change name Jingle to Commercial
🛠 Fixed: The playlist scheduler priority issue has been fixed
🛠 Fixed: Fix detection for manual backup files in Restore Backup
🛠 Fixed: page on Cpanel servers, so backup files will appear now vdo-user.tar.gz
🛠 Fixed: Fix bandwidth suspend and cron issue with Cpanel servers
🛠 Fixed: Fix playlist scheduler priority issue
🛠 Fixed: Fix error in a file manager with the files name contain hash sign
🛠 Fixed: Fix some of the language vars and added to language files
🛠 Fixed: Fix issue in domain lock UI in domain list input
🛠 Fixed: Fix issue in domain lock UI in domain list input
June 03, 2021
Version 1.2.5
✅ Added : Chat system for broadcasters player pages
✅ Added : Add API for reseller system (create - update - suspend - unsuspend - delete - login)
✅ Added : When reseller use his own domain for branding all broadcasters under it will use reseller domain if broadcaster not use his own domain
✅ Added : Add custom streaming to account profile info pages
✅ Added : Added new laravel packages and update all current packages for latest versions
✔️ Updated : Update Geo database on local server
🖊️ Changed : Replace (VDOPanel Statistics) with (Channel Statistics) in goaccess full statistics page
🖊️ Changed : Replace (your VDOPanel server device location is) with (your streaming server device location is) in Twitch Streaming tab
🛠 Fixed : Fix login as admin issue from WHMCS
🛠 Fixed : Fix error500 in restore backup and manual backup pages when permissions deny for directories
🛠 Fixed : Fix branding domain in broadcaster for rebuild http config and other bug in watermark logo permission
🛠 Fixed : Fix API for broadcaster license type
💖 Improvement : VDOPanel will be faster browsing and improve license check
💖 Improvement : WHMCS API validation errors will show what specific validation required
💖 Improvement : VDOPanel cronjob has been improved
April 27, 2021
Version 1.2.4
✅ Added : Live and WebTV standard audio with new audio player has been added to VDOpanel
✅ Added : New files types has been added mp3, avi, flv to file manager and streaming
✅ Added : Audio player support video files also as stream sound only without picture
✅ Added : Simulcasting custom restream for social media stream feature
✅ Added : Transmission setting for more control to change broadcaster bitrate manually for channe
✅ Added : Add unlimited bitrate for Maximum Bitrate option, now you can play videos 2K and 4K resolution and more
✅ Added : New audio URL pages has been added in Quick Links page and new 3 audio taps in Widgets page
✅ Added : Domain Locking feature has been added to lock stream on your domains
✅ Added : Broadcaster branding logo option control to enable or disable by admin when create and edit accounts
✅ Added : Broadcaster access to directory.vdopanel.com option control to enable or disable by admin when create and edit accounts
✔️ Updated : Update Geo database on local server
🖊️ Changed : When delete Scheduler playlist not runing will not kill WebTV stream process
🖊️ Changed : API password validation for create broadcaster changed to 10 letters instead of 12 to compatible with whmcs module
🛠 Fixed : Fix restore backup if account under reseller not exists
🛠 Fixed : Fix countries list online now - (No data found) message was unstable and added to language file
🛠 Fixed : Fix transmission bitrate limit for WebTV
🛠 Fixed : Fix playlist reorder bug
💖 Improvement : WHMCS Module password validation fixed.
💖 Improvement : WHMCS Updated as per current changes.
March 29, 2021
Version 1.2.3
🛠 Fixed : Daily playlist not start at the time has been fixed
🛠 Fixed : Edit Playlist Scheduler can not update because validation issue has been fixed
March 17, 2021
Version 1.2.2
✅ Added : Live real time map update without page refresh for viewers and country (in admin panel and broadcaster panel)
✅ Added : Schedule stream on simulcasting (social media relay) for WebTV or Hybrid broadcaster type
✅ Added : Custom restream relay for RTMP and M3U8
✅ Added : Play Jingle every X seconds
⚙️ Updated : Update PHP to 7.4
⚙️ Updated : Software all vendor packages updated
⚙️ Updated : Add new vars for all language files
💖 Improvement : RTMP password auth change api url to local ip its more faster and stable
🖋 Changed : Broadcasters list for admin and reseller removed description from action buttons and added as title
🖋 Changed : Show 50 account list default at broadcaster list and video statics page under broadcaster panel
🖋 Changed : Record option available only for Hybrid type for broadcasters
🖋 Changed : Current Video and Current Playlist available only for Hybrid and WebTV type for broadcasters
🖋 Changed : Branding logo watermark option available only for Hybrid and WebTV type for broadcasters
🖋 Changed : All vdopanel default URL in mail templates has been removed
🛠 Fixed : Oneshot Playlist Scheduler end time issue
🛠 Fixed : Change time zone for admin panel has been fixed
🛠 Fixed : Stop current Live Stream process after suspend broadcaster immediately
🛠 Fixed : Playlist mode (Shuffle and Sequential) current status set correct
February 13, 2021
Version 1.2.1
✅ Added : Support more language (Hebrew)
✅ Added : Supervisors full system and permissions to manage (resellers - broadcasters) instead of admin login
✅ Added : Historical reporting and statistics for broadcasters (integrations with goaccess)
✅ Added : Viewers on world map for admin and broadcaster dashboard panel
✅ Added : Which video played and how many times include from which country
✅ Added : Easy way to update vdopanel software from admin panel GUI for users who do not have knowledge with SSH
✅ Added : Simulcasting dailymotion for social media stream feature
✅ Updated : Local server Geo database updated
✅ Changed : Allow special characters for login passwords
✅ Changed : Remove vdopanel.com url from email templates header logo
✅ Changed : Update style for checkbox and radio for all pages contain it
✅ Changed :Social Stream page server location in Twitch tabe changed to get from vdopanel local geoip instead of outgoing limited API
✅ Fixed : Security critical bug
✅ Fixed : Create playlist if other broadcaster user use same name
✅ Fixed : Removed spaces in some of inputs in UI (Social Stream page - Backup Config page for remote host)
✅ Fixed : Reseller create broadcaster accounts issue and other bugs
✅ Fixed : Real time Visits Chart fix static counter for viewers so will show correctly and chart will increase auto and added time to chart
✅ Fixed : Missing software config files on cPanel servers for new installation (it was copied on wrong path)
✅ Fixed : Add backup and transfer progress and log to languages files
✅ Fixed : Change bitrates value description in UI from mbit to kbps
✅ Fixed : Notification for storage limit for broadcaster fixed and updated
✅ Fixed : End time for scheduler daily and oneshot playlist if nonstop playlist not exists
January 12, 2021
Version 1.2.0
✅ Improvement : Getting public IP for the Server if Used local IP in Case NAT Settings
✅ Improvement : Widgets Code Now is Responsive for Player
✅ Fixed: Create Reseller Account Issue
January 07, 2021
Version 1.1.9
✅ Added : Support CentOS 8
✅ Added : Support more languages
✅ Added : Create playlists as jingle video played each X videos
✅ Added : Stream Recording for Live streaming
✅ Added : Twitch and Periscope for Social Media Relay
✅ Added : Support new video extension type .flv
✅ Added : Change and update player pages background
✅ Added : Update VDOPanel API for new features for WHMCS module
✅ Improvement : Hybrid player to be fast when switch from live to webTV
✅ Improvement : Update nginx for new installation and current VDOPanel servers
✅ Changed : New tab Live Broadcasting for (Security Setting - Recorder Setting)
✅ Changed : Update (Billing and Limits - Profile Info) pages
✅ Fixed: Completed missing content under Quick Links page
✅ Fixed : Delete playlist file on server storage after delete playlist from panel
December 22, 2020
Version 1.1.8
✅ Added : Support cPanel servers
✅ Added : Add and support multiple language (Arabic - English - French - German - Greek - Italian - Persian - Polish - Romanian - Russian - Spanish - Turkish - Chinese)
✅ Improvement : ffmpeg process and connection
✅ Improvement : file manager work
✅ Improvement : nginx and webserver work
✅ Fix : backup functions
✅ Fix : bugs and Improvement hybrid player
November 29, 2020
Version 1.1.7
♥ Bug fixed and performance improvement.
November 24, 2020
Version 1.1.6
♥ Added : Directory list for broadcasters channel.
♥ Fixed: File manager multi select.
♥ Fixed : One-shot scheduler playlist.
♥ Changed : New tab "WebTV Management" for (File Manager - Playlists Management - Playlist Scheduler) in broadcaster panel.
♥ Changed : New tab "Utilities" for (Quick Links - Widgets - Branding - Geo Settings - Directory List) in broadcaster panel.
November 17, 2020
Version 1.1.5
♥ Added new option for live streaming from PC to allow connect with RTMP password auth and set it as a default and added copy buttons.
♥ Update Quick Links page with more data for new RTMP auth and added copy buttons and more.
♥ Improvement Viewer Limits counter for admin and broadcaster.
♥ Added new option Service Control for broadcaster panel to restart, stop, start service streaming.
♥ Improvement scheduler playlist work.
♥ Improvement and fix file manager functions.
♥ Improvement ffmpeg with RTMP service.
♥ Fix alias domains option in admin panel.
November 14, 2020
Version 1.1.4
♥ Added: New option for live streaming from PC to allow connect with RTMP password auth and set it as a default and added copy buttons.
♥ Updated : Quick Links page with more data for new rtmp auth and added copy buttons and more.
♥ Improvement Viewer Limits counter for admin and broadcaster
November 11, 2020
Version 1.1.3
♥ Added full backup system (scheduling - manually - restore local, remote and manually backup)
♥ Added transfer tool to migrate broadcasters accounts from VDOpanel to VDOpanel server
♥ Added restart service to admin panel
♥ Added reorder option for sequential playlist video files
♥ Fix login issue for broadcasters
♥ Improvement ffmpeg with RTMP service
October 17, 2020
Version 1.1.2
✅ Improvement ffmpeg process with WebTV stream.
✅ Add .webm video extention for WebTV stream and file manager
✅ Improvement clear system logs files auto
✅ Fix bug in daily and oneshot scheduler
✅ Seurity Issue Fix
October 13, 2020
Version 1.1.1
✅ Fully Branded Reseller system.
✅ SSL auto renew.
✅ Social Media Streaming (Live Relay on Facebook and YouTube)
✅ Update timeline and change log in the update page when available new update.
✅ Account Type, Owner and Account Setup Date for broadcasters list.
♥ Fix broadcaster panel logo will take same logo uploaded by admin.
♥ Allow local server IP and public server IP to local streaming.
♥ Fix bitrate resolution
September 17, 2020
Version 1.1.0
✅ 1st Version Released
August 10, 2020
Beta Version
✅ Beta Version Relesed