  • The audio stream you broadcast will contain audio content, which is sent in compressed form over the internet. The listeners will receive content on their devices, which they unpack and play immediately. Streaming media content will never be saved on the hard drives of the people who view content.

    One of the biggest reasons behind the popularity of media streaming is that users will not have to wait to download a file and play it. That's because media content goes out in the form of a continuous data stream. As a result, the listeners are capable of playing media content as it arrives on their devices. 

    While you are streaming content, the load balancer available on the host can benefit you. It will analyze the listeners who are connected to your stream and how they continue to listen to your stream. Then you can use the load balancer to efficiently use the bandwidth. It will ensure that your listeners are getting the raw files related to what they watch promptly. You will be able to ensure efficient utilization of your server resources and deliver an uninterrupted listening experience to all the listeners.